Static websites are fantastic. You can host them for free, and they are a great segue into full-stack web development. Though when you’re building a static website, the absence of a DB is a hard constraint. What this means is that any information that you display on your site can have two sources:
You can embed it in the website’s code itself
You can host it somewhere else and fetch it from a URL
A common roadblock in this approach is data that is frequently updated. For example — a list of projects on your portfolio; or a list of members for an organization’s website. Typically, we embed this data in the website itself, and each update requires a re-deployment. Ideally, we want an easy-to-edit data source that a static website could fetch.
There is one. Google Sheets. And it’s trivially easy to get started.
Create an API Key
You’ll need to provide a way for your static website to get data from a Google Sheet. We’ll do this through a Google Cloud project. As a first step, create an API key with access to Google Sheets.
Fetching Data
Google Sheets throws the contents of a worksheet within a sheet as JSON at this URL:<sheet_id>/values/<worksheet_name>/?key=<api_key>
sheet_id : You can extract this from the URL of your Google Sheet.<sheet_id>/edit#gid=0
worksheet_name : It’s the name of the worksheet inside your Google Sheet that you want to fetch. Note that this method can only fetch one worksheet from a Google Sheet at a time. The default is Sheet1
api_key : We created this in the previous step. Extract it from the Google Cloud project.
You can use this snippet :
const sheetLink = "<sheet_id>/values/<worksheet_name>/?key=<api_key>"
const data = await fetch(sheetLink)
.then((response)=> {return response.json()});
A JSON like the given sample is returned when you fetch a sheet. You can iterate over the values field to populate data on your website.
"range": "Sheet1!A1:Y999",
"majorDimension": "ROWS",
"values": [
"value in row1, col1",
"value in row1,col2"
"value in row2, col1"
And that’s it! Any changes you make to the sheet will reflect instantly on your website. Now you can add/edit content on your static website from any device that can access Google Sheets — including your phone.