I was inspired by Chip Hyuen's List 100 to create and maintain this list. This list is a collection of moments that I want to experience before I drop off the face of this planet.

Current status: 13 / 64

  1. Write a book
  2. Read 1000 good books (216)
  3. See the Manhattan skyline ✅
  4. Scuba-diving
  5. Sky-diving
  6. Stay at a buddhist monastery
  7. Jump from a cliff ✅
  8. Get a patent
  9. See the view from the top of Taipei 101 ✅
  10. Eat sushi in Tokyo
  11. Drink Whiskey in Scotland ✅
  12. Watch football in a British pub ✅
  13. Run a (half?) marathon
  14. Get washboard abs
  15. Fall in love ✅
  16. See the milky way ✅
  17. Take my parents on an overseas trip
  18. Live in another country for a year
  19. Sleep under the night sky ✅
  20. See a shooting star ✅
  21. See the auroras
  22. Visit Antarctica
  23. Start a company
  24. Experience zero gravity
  25. Visit lake Mansarovar
  26. Watch FC Barcelona play at Camp Nou
  27. Publish a research paper ✅
  28. Generate revenue through a side project
  29. See the seven apostles
  30. Visit the Canadian wilderness
  31. Cruise to the Cape of Good Hope
  32. Walk on a frozen lake
  33. Drive a Lamborghini
  34. Get paid to play music in public
  35. Bench 250 pounds (155)
  36. Eat a pizza in Rome
  37. See the Amazon rain-forest
  38. Bungee Jumping
  39. Drive from coast to coast in the US
  40. Boat in lake Baikal
  41. Write a song, release it
  42. Own my domain ✅
  43. Go to space
  44. Visit the garage where Apple was founded
  45. Party in Amsterdam
  46. Learn how to swim
  47. Earn mastery in a Martial Art
  48. Be on a ship in the middle of an ocean
  49. Witness snowfall
  50. Sleep in an Igloo
  51. See a tornado
  52. Get a tattoo ✅
  53. Look down from the Golden Gate Bridge
  54. Attend India's Republic Day Parade ✅
  55. See Halley's Comet
  56. Travel on the Trans Siberian Express
  57. Learn to play a wind instrument
  58. Set foot on all 7 continents (2)
  59. Swim in all 6 oceans (2)
  60. Visit Greenland
  61. Trek to the Everest basecamp
  62. Drive through the night
  63. Trek for a week deep in the Himalayas
  64. Trek the apostles